Today’s the Last Day for Guaranteed T-Shirt Sizes!

Hello, WordCampers (or more accurately, future WordCampers)!

WC Birmingham is rounding the final bend, and we want to make sure that y’all get all the swag you’re entitled to. If you reserve your ticket by 11:59pm tonight, we can guarantee your size in the totally amazing and make-your-friends-jealous 2017 WordCamp Birmingham t-shirt.

If you don’t want to be a Camper who looks like they’ve actually been camping, you absolutely want to hit that button and snag your ticket and your t-shirt.


We know that the fear of missing out is a real thing. And you have every right to be frightened. It’s Halloween soon, ghouls and ghosts are everywhere, and y’all are terrified of a lot right now.

So don’t let #fomo be a part of that. Order your ticket, tell us your t-shirt size by 11:59pm on October 11–tonight!–you won’t miss out.

Your fears will be assuaged, you won’t miss out, and you can show off your nifty, beautiful, jealously-inducing, perfectly-fitting t-shirt to all your friends and family.

Louder, for the Folks in the Back

Order a WordCamp Birmingham ticket by 11:59pm TONIGHT and get a t-shirt that’s guaranteed to be in your size!

WordCamp Birmingham 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!